Client Sign Up

Giddy up – Start your journey to being more organised TODAY!

Client sign up process

We’ve tried to make it as easy for you to sign up as possible. But due to the nature of the app, there is quite a bit of information we need from you in order to create your profile. We’ve done you a step-by-step guide below to help you get signed up. Head over to the “How to” page for tutorial videos once you’re up and running and want to know how to perform certain tasks. Remember – if you get stuck, we are always on the end of the phone, WhatsApp, an email or social media message away.

Download app from app or play store
Step 1

Sign up to the app

Download “Equigate” from either the App Store or the Google Play store

App Store
Google Play
Login screen of app
Step 2
Professional or client selection

When you first open the app, you need to click the button at the bottom labelled “Sign up”.

After this choose that you are a professional user.

Getting started

Sign up information page
Step 3

On the next screen you need to fill in your personal information and set a password..

Personal information & Password

account settings page options
Step 4

Setting up your profile

Once you’ve created your account and you’re on your dashboard screen, click the settings icon in the top right of the screen

On the next page you can access your account details to finish off setting up your profile.

Add your animals
step 5

Next you will want to add your animals in preparation for any appointments you have with your practitioners. Any practitioners you connect with later will be able to see any animals you add here.

Add your animals

Add your practitioner screen
Step 6

Once you’ve been given a connect code by a practitioner, follow these steps to get them added to your list so that you can message them and book appointments.

Book appointments

And you’re all done!

You’re ready to start using Equigate.

Connection is everything

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