Are there as many types of Therapy as there are Therapists?
I’ve taken my body to over 35 different osteopaths, 3 chiropractors, 4 physiotherapists, 3 acupuncturists, and I’ve lost count of how many massage therapists. The one thing I’ve learned is that everyone works differently. I’ve found osteopathy to be the most effective with the issues my body has, but not all osteopaths. Every osteopath I’ve seen has been well trained, well qualified, is busy being an osteopath (therefore the therapy they are providing is helping their clients, otherwise clients wouldn’t come back) but for me and my body there’s only one person in the UK (and 2 in Europe) that can deal the issues my body needs addressing. That doesn’t mean the other therapists aren’t good, they’re just not what “my” body needs.
Utilising software to make record keeping and report sending quick, easy, clear and concise could be the best thing you choose to do. I know a lot about bending horses and very little about tech - I struggle to know which buttons to press to copy and paste on a keyboard but tech isn’t intimidating nowadays. Since switching to digital record keeping with Equigate I’m saving around 10 minutes on every appointment. Every client gets a clear report, and inter-practitioner communication has never been as easy. Not to mention regaining some much coveted work-life balance.